Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Pomomusings: Faith Statements

I have been reading Adam Cleaveland's blog pretty regularily for about a year. He spent an amazing summer in Palestine and opened my eyes to their perspective on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. He has also introduced me to the Emergent Church. I really like a lot of what they are doing, though, of course, not everything (I'm getting used to that, guess I'm just to warped by my personal experience to see things from a normal point of view).

One of his latest posts is a statement of faith which is a requirement at Princeton Theological Seminary. I really like this. It puts the whole history of the earth into perspective and I believe reflects God's point of view well. Check it out!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Work to do

Here we are! A small two bedroom house doesn't seem that big until you try to drag out all the soggy, stinky, belongings. And, oh by the way, I had to remove the decayed body of the family dog, a Pomeranian.

A hard days work

The almost finished work (still have a few hours work to do tomorrow)

Half way there

Lunch time, and we've already got a good pile going.

Assignment Time

Construction or Destruction? Waiting to get our work assignment for the day.

Home base

Welcome to New Orleans ! Having arrived safely, the crew establishes our home base in what was formerly the youth worship center. In a few minutes we'll leave for our first gutting assignment.